Heathen Bikers Kinship

Enter the Heathen Bikers Kinship now!

The concept was born in the UK, but now we carry the torch in Texas.  We are the Heathen Bikers Kinship. We organized in 2002 and received the go-ahead from the local organizations to proceed that same year.   We were founded by Heathens (Asatru) and pagans, but we are open to anyone that shares our enjoyment of motorcycles. All bikes, 2 and 3-wheeled are welcome.

In 2014 we have re-organized and expanded.  We are looking for reliable people that are committed to standing up for the rights of all bikers.  We proudly display Wiccan, Asatru, Druidic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, and other polytheistic symbols although you do not have to!  We believe in tolerance of all beliefs as long as those beliefs don't infringe on the rights or liberties of anyone else.  This is a Riding Club, not an MC!  We are the 99%, not 1%.  We are the weekend warriors, and happy to share fun and friendship with fellow bikers while obeying the law.

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